Employees' Code of Conduct

Employees' Code of Conduct

In order to create standardization of the operation, it is essential that the company provides and encourages all employees and management personnel to perform as follows:

  1. Carrying out all assigned tasks systematically, honestly and responsibly, maintaining good self-disciplines and do not exercise resided power in order to maximize benefit for oneself or others inappropriately.
  2. Aiming to provide excellent service and fair treatment to all related parties.
  3. Protecting interests and assets of the company, neither disclose nor use the company’s information and its assets for their personal advantages. Employees are prohibited to act as a supporter or encourage others to run business which is competitive to the company.
  4. Employees are prohibited to execute any personal businesses related to the company’s business nature except with consent of the company’s executive committee.
  5. Emphasizing on team work, with respectfully and cooperatively working for the benefit of the company as well as respecting each other’s rights.
  6. The company’s executives and employees working with classified information are prohibited to sell or buy the company’s stocks within 1 month prior to the disclosure of the Company’s Financial Statements to the public.
  7. Employees in any circumstances must not directly or indirectly receive any incentive or bribe from customers or external parties in connection with company’s business activities.
  8. Raising a loan and borrowing money from customers or any persons involved with the clients or business partners of the Company are prohibited, except borrowing money from banks or financial institutions.
  9. Notifying supervisor when employees receive expensive and unsuitable present from any business alliance or partners of the Company.
  10. Employees are required to abide by the company’s policy, regulations and related laws.
  11. The codes of conduct of employees mentioned above may not cover all circumstances, therefore, in case of doubt, all level of employees and management teams should consult with senior supervisors in line of command. If it turns out that the conflict is remained unsolved, decisions of Chief Executive Office / Executive Committee / Board of Directors is considered final.