Audit Committee

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee’s composition and qualifications fully conform to the SET and the SEC’s guidelines. It is composed of no fewer than 3 independent directors, at least one of whom has knowledge and understanding or experience in accounting or finance field sufficient for reviewing a financial statement. The committee members have terms of 3 years and may be re-appointed as deemed fit by the Board of Directors.

The Audit Committee performs duties as designated by the Board of Directors and within the purview of power, duties and responsibilities defined in the Audit Committee Charter, which is in conformity with the scope of main activities prescribed by the regulator bodies.

As of December 31, 2023, the Audit Committee comprised 4 independent directors who possessed qualifications as required by the SET and the SEC. In 2023, the Audit Committee held a total of 5 meetings. Members of the committee and their attendance at the meeting are as follows:


\1 Dr. Naris Chaiyasoot and Mr. Suvit Mapaisansin are the members of the Audit Committee who are knowledgeable and experienced in financial statement review.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Audit Committee

  1. Ensuring the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the financial statements and that sufficient information is disclosed.
  2. Ensuring that the Company has sufficient, appropriate and effective internal controls, risk management and internal audit systems.
  3. Ensuring that the Company appropriately and effectively abides by the Good Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Ethics.
  4. Ensuring that the Company abides by all relevant the SEC and the SET rules and regulations and other regulations and laws related to the Company’s businesses.
  5. Proposing and terminating the Company’s auditors and determine their compensation.
  6. Evaluating connected transactions so they comply with the law and regulations stipulated by the SET and that the transactions are reasonable and benefit the Company.
  7. Supervising the Internal Audit Unit policies and operations so that they are aligned with the Internal Audit Charter, by evaluating the independence of its audits, the scope of work and audit schedules.
  8. Evaluating and appoint, transfer and terminate the head of Internal Audit Department, as well as assess the performance of the head of Internal Audit Department and approve compensation for the Internal Audit Department, as initially appraised by the top Management.
  9. Reviewing both the external and internal audit and recommendations conducted by the external Auditor and the Internal Audit Department, as well as monitor the management team to ensure that recommendations have been sufficiently followed and effective action has been taken within an appropriate timeframe.
  10. The Audit Committee can request that any member of the management or any employee to report or present information, attend meetings or deliver documents as deemed relevant and necessary.
  11. The Audit Committee can request assistance from external advisors or experts related to the Audit, at the Company’s expense, in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, as necessary.
  12. Considering and amending the Audit Committee Charter at least once a year or as necessary, so it is up-to-date and appropriate to the Company’s environment and to present the results to the Board of Directors for approval.
  13. Preparing an Audit Committee’s Report, attached in the Company’s annual report, signed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee.
  14. Executing other tasks as assigned by the Board of Directors, as agreed to by the Audit Committee.


Remark : Could be considered the profiles of individual sub-committees. More Details