Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

The Company and subsidiaries prioritize environmental responsibility in our business operations and are committed to implementing it with the integration of environmental impact management by adopting an environmentally friendly approach which covers activities that directly affect energy saving, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, disclosing data of environmental operations, raising awareness among employees and all associated groups as well as continually supporting environmental conservation projects.

1. Objectives
GMM Grammy Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries has environmental policy objectives to define the framework and guidelines for business operations, according to the intent of doing business that considers Environment, Social and Governance: ESG to reduce environmental impact and support sustainable development.

2. Definition

Term Explanation
Environmental Issue

Problems with the environment caused by human action the important environmental issues related to the business of the organization. It covers, but is not limited to, the following issues:

  • Climate Change
  • Deforestation
  • Air Pollution
  • Waste and Pollution
Climate Change Changes in global or regional climate patterns are largely due to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide generated by fuel consumption.
Deforestation Removal of forests or trees and converting them to non-forest land.
Air Pollution Formation or substances that are toxic to the air.
Waste and Pollution Something that makes an environment dangerous or unpleasant for living beings

3. Scope

The policy is effective to GMM Grammy Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries including directors, executives, and all employees.

4. The Policy guidelines

4.1. Determine the roles and duties of those involved

Management Committee

  • Consider and approve the environmental action plan. which is part of the sustainability plan.
  • Encourage the incorporation of environmental issues including environmental management into the relevant business / operational processes.
  • Supervise and control the operation to comply with the policy.

Sustainable Development Working Team

  • Consider and formulate action plans to achieve management integration environmental impact is included in the operation process.
  • Report the environmental impact management plan to the management committee for approval.
  • Controlling and monitoring the performance of according to the specified plans.
  • Encourage and support Campaigns for employees to be aware of conservation and use of resources and various energy smartly and efficiently.

4.2. Practices

GMM Grammy Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries are committed to conducting business in an environmentally responsible manner and contributing to the community's shared environmental management and subsidiary has established policy guidelines for operations in various fields as follows:

Internal management

  • Strictly comply with applicable laws, regulations, and environmental standards.
  • Environmental issues as a factor in risk assessment in business decision-making processes, management, operations. Responsible business consideration Process as well as organizing other activities and support to reduce negative impacts on the environment, both directly and indirectly.
  • Develop, improve, and drive environmental management processes to mitigate the negative effects of environmental issues Reduce the amount of waste and pollution as well as supporting the use of natural resources for maximum benefit.
  • Rasing awareness among all employees about environmental management processes for sustainability to instill and create awareness of participating in environmental impact management and conservation. common environment both in the form of reducing the amount of use reuse and support the revival natural resources.
  • Studying and take action to reduce problems or impacts of climate change caused by climate change from the energy consumption of the organization or other related activities of the organization, both directly and indirectly, such as reducing energy consumption in business activities or activities that support business operations awareness of the use of electricity and water saving reducing paper use Reducing employee commute to meetings by using video conferencing and commuting by public transport, for example.

Management with external organizations

  • Communicate the policy and the consequences of implementing this policy to both internal and external stakeholders regularly follow up and evaluate the implementation of the policy. And improve environmental management systematically and continuously.
  • Disseminate knowledge and create awareness of environmental responsibility for the communities in which GMM Grammy Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries operate through various activities that promote mitigation of environmental impacts.
  • Support projects that promote environmental impact reduction with the government, the private sector, allies, and business partners.
  • Support the purchasing of products and services that are environmentally friendly. Require suppliers and external service providers of the organization to participate in actions to reduce negative environmental impacts.

5. Addenda

5.1 Communication and Publications

  1. Notify all employees of the enforcement of this policy via E-mail.
  2. Publish this policy on intranet the company.
  3. Publish this policy on www.gmmgrammy.com

5.2 Related documents

  1. Sustainable Development Policy
  2. Code of Conduct

5.3 Policy review

Environmental Management Policy of the organization will be reviewed every 3 years or when there is a change that results in an adjustment to this policy.