Ethics on Treatment of Insider Information

Ethics on Treatment of Insider Information

The Board of Directors is committed to conducting business with integrity, transparency, fairness and equal treatment of all stakeholders and adopts a policy on confidentiality and treatment of insider information by instituting a code of ethics on confidentiality, protection of information and treatment of insider information in the Company’s Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Manual, which could be summarized as follows

  1. The Company shall provide the directors and management with knowledge and understanding about reporting of their securities holding and changes in securities holding in the Company to the SEC according to Section 59 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535, whereby they must also provide such report to the Company Secretary for further notification to concerned parties. They must also be informed of punishment clauses for any violation or non-compliance with the said regulation.
  2. The directors, members of Group Executive Committee and management (according to definitions of the SEC), including their respective related persons according to Section 59 of the Securities and Exchange Act, have the duty to report their holding of the Company’s securities at the first chance of their being appointed to assume such position and upon any later change in their said securities holding. The Company Secretary is to submit a summary report on the said securities holding and changes in securities holding in the Company to the Board of Directors’ meeting quarterly for acknowledgement.
  3. It is stated in the employment contract, working principles and employee best practices towards the Company and also is deemed to be employees’ business ethics, that employees shall strictly protect confidential information and shall not, due to their position in the Company, seek to benefit themselves or their related parties by unethically using or publicly disclosing the Company’s information or news which is confidential and has not yet been released to the public, or to cause a decrease in the Company’s benefits, or take any actions that create conflicts of interest.
  4. Importance is attached to the strict and consistent protection of customers’ confidential information and prevention of the use of such information for personal benefits or related parties’ benefits, except for the information that must be disclosed publicly according to relevant laws.
  5. In cases where external parties are involved in special projects dealing with information undisclosed to the public and is in the negotiation stage, such projects fall into the scope of insider information as it may affect the price of the Company’s securities. These external parties must sign a confidentiality agreement with the Company until the information is disclosed to the SET and the SEC.
  6. The Company has established a code of ethics on the use of computers, information and communication technology so as to control and protect data security in information systems and/or prevent outsiders from gaining access to such information. The Company also sets the levels of employees’ data accessibility according to their authority and responsibility.
  7. The Company will levy, according to its regulations, the maximum penalty on any member of the Management, employees or related parties found to have unethically used insider information or behaved in such a way that could cause damage to the Company.
  8. The Management will report any unethical use of insider information or behavior that could cause damage to the Company to the Board of Directors for information on a yearly basis.

In 2023, the Company’s approach to prevention of unethical use of insider information was still effective.