Ethics on the Use of Computer System, Information and Communication Technology

Ethics on the Use of Computer System, Information and Communication Technology

The Board of Directors holds every employee responsible for strict compliance with the notifications, regulations, and laws related to a computer system, information and technology, and the Company’s statements, orders, rules, and regulations to prevent employees’ mistakes or severe damage to themselves, colleagues, third parties or the Company. The Board of Directors provides policies and guidelines on the use of computer systems, information and communication technology as follows:

  1. Access to information
    1. Only executives and assigned employees have the right to access the computer system and data files, whether stored in the form of computer data files or any other formats.
    2. Executives and non-assigned employees are prohibited from viewing, copying, publishing, deleting, destroying, changing passwords, or unlawfully altering data, in whole or in part, in another person’s computer system, or any other acts which may cause damage.
    3. Employees are prohibited to unlawfully take any actions against others’ computer system operation to cause suspension, obstruction, disruption, or interruption to the point that it is unable to function normally.
  2. Electronic message communication
    1. Electronic message communication related to the Company shall be regarded as the Company’s property.
    2. All executives and employees must be careful not to disclose information by electronic message communication. Confidential information must be encrypted.
    3. All executives and employees should not use electronic message communication for personal benefit. They should avoid sending chain letters or transmission in any form that may damage the reputation of the Company and must not submit any messages or content which is unlawful or contrary to the good morals of society.
    4. Employees are prohibited from transmitting computer data or electronic mail to others by concealing or falsifying the source of such transmission, which interferes with the regular use of the computer system of other people.
  3. Internet
    1. Encourage the use of the internet for the benefit of business operations, including for being a learning tool by taking into account mainly the interests of the Company.
    2. All executives and employees shall avoid any websites which are illegal or contrary to good morals and refrain from publishing such information or websites to others.
    3. Should there be any suspicion of whether the website is illegal or contrary to good morals, one shall consult the information technology department.
  4. Software usage
    All executives and employees who use computers must (sign to certify that) not use illegal software in the Company.
  5. Telecommunication usage
    There shall be telecommunication equipment such as telephone, faxes, mobile phones for business benefits. Personal use can be done as appropriate.