Ethics on Roles and Responsibilities towards Community, the Environment and the Society

Ethics on Roles and Responsibilities towards Community, the Environment and the Society

The Board of Directors strongly believes in conducting business according to business ethics and good corporate governance principles and alongside corporate social responsibility (CSR) to be embedded as part of the organization culture. This is carried by integrating with the Company’s vision, mission, strategy and goal to create sustainable business growth. The Company respects human rights; treats its workforce fairly; is accountable to customers and consumers; supports and takes part in development of the community, the society and the environment; maintains religion; preserves natural resources and energy; and supports education and public activities, so that the community or underprivileged become strong and depend on themselves sustainably. Policy and guidelines on treatment toward the community, the environment and the society are specified in the Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Manual regarding Ethics on Roles and Responsibilities toward Community, Environment and Society, details of which are as follows:

  1. Supporting CSR development through co-creation with all stakeholders by participating, inspiring and giving opportunities to other organizations to work together.
  2. Supporting provision of knowledge and training for staff to instill conscience of responsibility toward the community, the environment and the society in employees at all levels and encourage employees to participate in activities arranged by the Company.
  3. Having social participation by supporting and promoting activities which maintain good tradition and culture and behaving as a good religion follower by supporting religious activities consistently.
  4. Participating in supporting activities relating to education, sporting capabilities, development of professional knowledge, for sustainable self-dependence.
  5. Having social responsibility relating to public benefits, maintenance of the environment and development of the community as well as creative projects to promote and support better living of underprivileged, the elderly, children and youths.
  6. Having social responsibility in different forms such as organizing campaigns against narcotics continuously, hence promotion and support of children and youths to stay away from narcotics, leading to a strong community and narcotic-free society.
  7. Holding various projects to assist and relieve misery of people who are in trouble in many ways.
  8. Supporting the community surrounding the Company and other communities to be strong and self-dependent in a sustainable manner, give mutual help, have a good quality of life, be happy and live happily in harmony.
  9. Campaigning and instilling in employees conscience of preservation and smart and efficient use of resources and energy.
  10. Creating and supporting activities which are beneficial to maintenance, preservation and use of natural resources and energy on a consistent basis.
  11. Not performing any acts which will impair the reputation of the country, natural resources and the environment.
  12. Not cooperating with or support any persons or organizations conducting illegal business or being a threat to the society and national security.
  13. Complying or monitoring to ensure strict compliance with relevant regulations and laws.