Ethics on Treatment of Employees

Ethics on Treatment of Employees

The Board of Directors realizes that employees are the most valuable resource of the Company and is a key to success of achieving the Company’s goal. Therefore, the Company takes care of and treats employees fairly in terms of opportunities, returns, appointment, transfer, termination of employment, as well as establishment of policies of personnel development and encourages employees to develop and exhibit potential and personal value in order to help the organization grow continuously and sustainably. Policy and guidelines for treatment toward employees are as follows:

  1. Treating employees with respect for their honor, dignity and human rights.
  2. Appointing, transferring and giving prizes as well as punish employees with sincerity and according to their knowledge, competence, appropriateness and fairness without any discrimination.
  3. Assessing staff performance and progress regularly.
  4. Giving remuneration of various types to employees fairly, appropriately and according to their knowledge, competence, experience, positions, responsibilities and individual performance which are taken into consideration in line with the operating results of the Company, economic conditions and social environment.
  5. Providing appropriate welfare and other benefits for employees that are comparable to those of other companies in the same or similar business and as prescribed by law, such as provident fund, etc.
  6. Giving continuous and regular support and giving importance to knowledge and potential development which is beneficial to employees at all levels for their good career path.
  7. Maintaining a good working environment for sanitation and safety to life and properties of employees regularly.
  8. Providing appropriate facilities and welfare for disabled employees.
  9. Supporting employees to have better quality of life and support development of life of employees’ families so that they live a happy life and are able to rely on themselves sustainably according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy.
  10. Promoting participation of employees and respecting the rights of gathering of employees to gather to propose or set working guidelines and/or agreements to create benefits for all parties and good working relations, including channel to complaint of any wrongdoings, approach to fact finding and protection of the whistle blower.
  11. Supporting employees to work together under mutual culture and value and with high unity spirits.
  12. Managing works with prudence and avoiding any unfair actions which may have impact on the job security of employees.
  13. Complying with rules and regulations in relation to labor law (such as employment, termination of employment, etc.) and welfare of employees.

Human Resource Training Policy

The Board of Directors has been continuously promoted employee development in terms of management skills, professional skills and teamwork, quality of service, and ethical knowledge in various fields such as social, environmental, and related person responsibility. The Company has regularly organized in-house and outside training necessary for overall employees and individuals. The training is deemed to provide employees with competitiveness and knowledge of new technologies that evolve all the time, along with encouraging employees to be creative through various activities enabling employees to show their full potential for professional success. In addition, the Board of Directors invites regular activities to create happiness, warmth, and harmony within the Company.