Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee

Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Committee : CGC consists of knowledgeable and capable directors. 4 persons with diverse experiences and knowledge that are beneficial to the good corporate governance of the Company Group.

As of December 31, 2023, the Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee had 4 qualified members, comprising 2 independent directors and 2 directors from management team with a 3 year term according to the Company’s Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Manual. There was a total of 2 meeting in 2023. Members of the committee and their attendance in 2023 are as follows:

Duties and Responsibilities of the Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee

  1. Proposing Corporate Governance Policies and a Code of Ethics of the Group to the Board of Directors for approval.
  2. Monitoring and supervising the Group to ensure that corporate governance policies and business ethics specified by the Company are complied with.
  3. Continuously assessing the Group’s corporate governance policies and code of ethics to ensure that they comply with international standards and/or recommendations from related government organizations and propose these findings for approval from the Board of Directors.
  4. Evaluating and proposing a Code of Best Practices to the Board of Directors and/or smaller committees in the Group.
  5. Encouraging the dissemination of the good corporate governance culture across the organization and ensure that it is actually practiced.
  6. Evaluating appointing and outlining the working team’s roles in supporting the monitoring and supervision of business operations and ethics, as appropriate.
  7. Performing other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.


Remark : Could be considered the profiles of individual sub-committees. More Details