Ethics on Treatment of Customers and Consumers

Ethics on Treatment of Customers and Consumers

The Board of Directors is committed to creating and producing all forms of media and entertainment to bring satisfaction to customers continuously. Policy and Guidelines for treatment towards customers and consumers are as follows:

  1. Catering to the needs of customers with good quality of products and services at reasonable prices and with qualified employees and state-of-the-art innovation and technology
  2. Studying, assessing and improving impact of products and/or services which may occur to consumers consistently and monitor and supervise products and services to have quality and meet standards, requirements, consumer protection laws or other relevant laws.
  3. Providing information which is accurate, sufficient and beneficial to product and/or service consumers for decision-making by not intending to cover information or giving false information to mislead product and/or service consumers about the quality, quantity, or conditions of the product or service.
  4. Respecting the rights of the product and/or service consumers and protect their personal information by not disclosing their personal information without their prior consent or using such information to seek benefits except for information which must be disclosed to the public as required by laws.
  5. Arranging for a procedure to which customers can file issues of problems of using products or inappropriate provision of services via electronic mail or call center so that the Company can prevent/resolve problems for the customers quickly and appropriately and use such information to improve or develop other products or services.
  6. Contracts between the Company and customers and consumers of the Company must be written clearly and easy to understand and comprising information and agreements which are accurate and sufficient and do not contain any conditions which are not fair or breach the rights of customers and consumers. Also, contracts and conditions mutually agreed upon shall be complied with in a strict manner and in case of failure to comply with any condition, customers shall be notified immediately to help seek resolution on a rationality basis.
  7. Supporting activities which promote and maintain good relationship between customers and the Company.