Ethics on Respecting Human Right Law and Practice

Ethics on Respecting Human Right Law and Practice

The Board of Directors gives importance to respecting international human rights, to conducting business in compliance with laws, while embracing human rights which are the basic rights ensuring that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights without discrimination against birth, race, nationality, color, gender, religion, age, language, physical and health condition, personal status, economic and social status, social value, education or political opinion. The Board also promotes employees’ awareness of their rights, duties and responsibilities to society and other fellows. Policy and Guidelines are as follows:

  1. Performing business in strict compliance with human right law and practice and provide employees with knowledge about human right law and practice for their further adoption in their work.
  2. Ensuring that all employees familiarize themselves with laws related to their duties and responsibilities and strictly observe such laws.
  3. Promoting the respect of and adherence to human right practice on the basis of human dignity.
  4. Treating all employees on the basis of human dignity and respect their personal rights and duties.
  5. Offering a non-discriminative and equal career opportunity for women, the disabled, incapacitated persons and all other under privileged groups.
  6. Neither give a special favor to nor discriminate against any individuals due to race, nationality, color, gender, religion, age, language, physical and health condition, personal status, economic and social status, social value, education and political opinion.
  7. Ensuring the incapacitated employees are provided with appropriate facilitating equipment and welfare.
  8. Putting in place a policy or measure for screening key trade partners such as suppliers and contractors and ensure that these key trade partners undertake their businesses with fair practices and non-violation of human rights.
  9. Encouraging employees’ participation and respect their right to unify and come forward with their suggestions or ideas on operational directions and corrective measures that will be beneficial to all parties and strengthen a good working relation and cooperation.
  10. Establishing a follow-up and monitoring process to prevent the Company and employees from conducting business, acting or participating in an act or failing to act in such a way that violates human rights.