Ethics in Occupational Safety and Health

Ethics in Occupational Safety and Health

Executives and employees are valuable resources and success factors to support sustainable growth. Therefore, the Board of Directors provides policies and guidelines on treatments of executives and employees to safe and healthy life under suitable environments as follows:

  1. Emphasize the prevention and correction of behaviors and environment that may cause accidents and illnesses due to work.
  2. Support, promote, and enforce rules, regulations and measures to reduce the risk of accidents and illnesses due to work.

In this regard, the Board of Directors has determined that.

  1. Executives at all levels must have duties and be leaders in behavior correction and workplace environmental control to ensure employees’ lives and properties safety by: appropriate operating procedures.
    1. Determine, support, and promote the improvement of the workplace and proper management at work.
    2. Provide suitable, adequate protective equipment which always is in a ready-to-use condition.
    3. Cooperate with all employees in correcting behaviors that may cause accidents and illnesses due to work and determine
  2. Executives at all levels must determine guidelines for compliance with laws, regulations, and measures relevant to occupational safety and health and must be a leader in strictly and consistently implementing this policy as a good role model in building safety in the workplace. Moreover, the executives shall promote activities that enhance employees’ knowledge, understanding, and good attitude concerning occupational safety and health.
  3. All employees must acknowledge, cooperate, express their opinions and suggestions, including strictly and consistently comply with this guideline. There shall be communication to stakeholders, customers, partners, suppliers, and contractors to acknowledge and understand this policy.
  4. Executives at all levels must continuously and regularly monitor and assess occupational safety and health. This ensures that there has been a strict and effective implementation of laws and regulations related to occupational safety and health.
  5. Executives at all levels shall not ignore the event of an accident that affects occupational safety and health. They shall assist the affected employees instantly and with a total capacity. In addition, they shall find the cause and determine clear and effective preventive measures to prevent a recurrence.