Ethics on Vested Interest and Conflict of Interest

Ethics on Vested Interest and Conflict of Interest

The Board of Directors is aware of the importance of conflict of interest prevention and has thus adopted the following policy and guidelines:

  1. To safeguard against a conflict of interest, the Board of Directors exercises due care when there occurs any transaction involving a potential conflict of interest by observing a policy and procedure for approval of connected transactions, established in writing in the Authorization and Procedure Manual, and/or seeking approval from shareholders in line with the SET's regulations, as well as complying with the SET's regulations, with transaction price and conditions executed on an arm's length basis.
  2. If the connected transaction is subject to approval from the Board of Directors, there must be independent directors or Audit Committee members participating in the relevant Board meeting.
  3. The Audit Committee is to regularly propose any conflicted transactions and connected transactions to the Board of Directors and the person with a potential conflict of interest is not entitled to cast vote on or approve any such transactions.
  4. Before entering into a connected transaction which is required to be disclosed publicly or be approved by the shareholders in accordance with the SET's regulations, the Company shall clearly disclose to the shareholders details such as names and nature of relationship of the connected persons, policy on determination of transaction price, rationale for entering into the transaction and opinion of the Board of Directors on the transaction.
  5. For transactions that involve financial assistance, the Board of Directors has established a guideline on this type of connected transactions in the Corporate Authorization Index which was duly approved by the Board of Directors.
  6. The Board of Directors has a guideline to maintain and prevent of use internal information in written. According to the guideline, directors, management and employees, who could access to insider information, are prohibited from trading the Company’s securities during a one-month period before a release of the Company’s financial statements to the public and until the 24-hour period has elapsed since the disclosure of that information to the public.
  7. The Board of Directors has set a policy requiring that the directors, Executive Committee members and management (according to definitions of the SEC), including their respective related persons according to Section 59 of the Securities and Exchange Act, report their holding of the Company’s securities and that the Company Secretary on quarterly basis is required to submit a summary report on the said securities holding and changes in securities holding in the Company to the Board of Directors’ meeting quarterly for acknowledgement.
  8. The Board of Directors has stipulated that the directors, management and their related persons (according to definitions of the SEC) must prepare and submit a report on interests to the Company and the Company Secretary has the duty to submit a summary report on the interests of the directors, management and their related persons and any subsequent changes thereof to the Board of Directors' meeting for acknowledgement on a semi-annual basis.
  9. The Board of Directors has stipulated that all material connected transactions, with details regarding the conflicted persons, nature of relationship, type of the transactions, conditions for the transactions, pricing policy, transaction value, rationale and necessity of the transactions and opinion rendered by the Audit Committee and/or the Board of Directors, must be revealed in an information memorandum and/or the Company's annual registration statement (Form 56-1) and annual report.