Business Ethics

Business Ethics

The Board of Directors is committed to running the Company ethically with adherence to legal standarads and code of conduct by establishing business ethics in operating the Company in the Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Handbook. Its guidelines are as follows:

  1. Conducting business with adherence to integrity, transparency, and fariness according to laws, regulations, and requirements relating to business operations to assure that prior to making any decisions or taking any actions, the best interests of all stakeholders such as shareholders, customers and consumers, competitors, trade partners, creditors, employees, the community, the environment, and the society, have been taken into consideration.
  2. Performing duties with knowledge, competence, expertise, determination, and prudence, develop knowledge base, and adapt management know-how and skill, to create reasonable returns to investors and drive the Company to sustainable growth and development.
  3. Disclosing information completely, accurately, transparently, and in accordance with laws, regulations, and requirements of regulatory bodies.
  4. Treating all stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, competitors, trade partners, creditors, employees, and the society on a fair and equitable basis, and disclose information to all related persons completely and accurately.
  5. Promoting respect of and adherence to human rights on the basis of equal human dignity and without any discrimination or priviledged treatment of any particular person on grounds of differences in race, nationality, religion, gender, color, and economic status.
  6. Seeking no personal interests and those of related persons by using any inside information which is not yet disclosed or which is confidential, or disclosing such information to outsiders or performing any acts which may lead to conflicts of interest.
  7. Putting in place an appropriate and sufficient internal control system, and develop monitoring, control and check-and-balance system and mechanism, that are appropriate, clear and efficient, to prevent frauds and corruption.
  8. Adhering to laws relevant to workplace safety and sanitation to maintain a good working environment for the good health and the life and property safety of the employees.
  9. Promoting, developing, and respecting intellectual properties of other persons, as well as Evaluating such works fairly without any discrimination or priviledged treatment of any particular person.
  10. Supporting and promoting activities which are beneficial to the society, culture, and tradition.
  11. Setting as duties and responsibilities of all employees to comply with rules and regulations of the Company relating to performance of works and the Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Handbook of the Company, as well as relevant laws to prevent employees from conducting any offenses or causing severe damage to themselves, colleagues, outsiders, or the Company.