Disclosure and Transparency

Disclosure and Transparency

The Board of Directors ensures that the Company communicates and discloses essential information of the Company, both financial and non-financial information, to provide transparency in the important operation and strengthen the confidence of investors and all stakeholders. The Company has important guidelines as follows:

  1. Provision of communication and data distribution channels

    The Company has made available communication and various data distribution channel so that shareholders, investors and other stakeholders can access information of the Company conveniently, thoroughly and equitably through various channels on a regular basis in both Thai and English such as:

    1. The Company’s website
      The Board of Directors has put in place a communication and data distribution channel that through the Company’s website (http://www.gmmgrammy.com), which has been developed data and website in a modern form, comprehensive and easy to use.

    2. The SET Community Portal or SCP, SET link and SET’s website.
      The Board of Directors assign the Corporate Secretary and related department to disclosure of news and information to shareholders, investors and related persons through the SET Community Portal or SCP, SET link and SET’s website (http://www.set.or.th) such as financial statements, press release, etc.

    3. Investor relations
      The Board of Directors has designated Investor Relations unit to represent the Company in communicating and publicizing the Company’s information and activities which are beneficial to shareholders, investors, securities analysts and interested persons to access information of the Company, such as press release on investment activities and other significant business activities, analyst site visit and participation of activities organized by the SET, etc.

      Investors are welcome to contact Investor Relations Department of the Company at:

      Investor Relations Department
      GMM Grammy Plc., 50 GMM Grammy Place,41st Floor, Sukhumvit 21 Rd. (Asoke), Khlongtoeinuea, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
      Tel. (662) 669 9952
      Fax. (662) 669 973
      E-mail Address: ir@gmmgrammy.com

      This year, the following key activities took place:
    4. Office of Corporate Secretary
      The Board of Directors has set up Office of Corporate Secretary to be responsible for the Company’s high-level meetings, such as the Board of Directors’ meeting, shareholders’ meetings and Group Executive Committee meeting to ensure that the Company, the Board of Directors and executives operate in accordance with legal provisions and the requirements of regulatory agencies and serve as the point of contact for communications between shareholders/stakeholders and the Company in disseminating relevant or useful information and activities, as well as receiving recommendations or coordinating the clarification of shareholders’ questions on the Company’s businesses or operations.

      Office of Corporate Secretary
      GMM Grammy Plc, 50 GMM Grammy Place, 41st Floor, Sukhumvit 21 Rd (Asoke), Khlongtoeinuea, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
      Tel. (662) 669 9291 / (662) 669 9712
      Fax. (662) 669 8137
      E-mail Address: cs@gmmgrammy.com

  2. Disclosure of information and performance of the Board of Directors and Sub-Committees

    The Board of Directors arranges for disclosure of information such as business description, the major shareholders, the committee and executives, corporate governance policy, updated information, acquisition and disposal of assets, connected transactions, issuance of securities, shareholders meeting, and committee resignation. These also includes quarterly and annual report in annual information disclosure (Form 56-1), Annual report, Financial statements, and quarterly analysis in order to provide all stakeholders precise, transparent, reliable information complying laws and corporate governance regulations.

    In 2021, the Company submitted quarterly and yearly financial statements and reports by the timeline and pursuant to the criteria of the SET and no instruction has been made by Office of the SEC for the Company to rectify the financial statements.