Historical Price

Historical Price

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Historical price from 03 Feb, 2025 to 11 Mar, 2025

Date Open High Low Close Volume
Previous 2 weeks
(11/02/2025 to 25/02/2025)
6.90 7.10 6.25 6.85 93,356
Previous 4 weeks
(14/01/2025 to 10/02/2025)
8.00 8.10 6.05 6.90 252,823
Daily Historical Data
11/03/2025 5.00 5.00 4.96 5.00 5,801
10/03/2025 4.98 5.00 4.98 5.00 11,100
07/03/2025 - - - - 0
06/03/2025 4.98 5.00 4.98 5.00 20,019
05/03/2025 5.15 5.15 4.96 5.00 7,100
04/03/2025 5.00 5.05 4.94 4.96 51,715
03/03/2025 5.05 5.05 4.96 5.00 92,235
28/02/2025 5.20 5.20 5.00 5.15 30,300
27/02/2025 6.05 6.05 4.88 5.20 1,415,632
26/02/2025 7.00 7.00 6.40 6.95 39,000
25/02/2025 6.40 6.90 6.40 6.85 1,800
24/02/2025 - - - - 0
21/02/2025 7.10 7.10 6.55 6.95 38,200
20/02/2025 7.00 7.05 6.50 7.00 46,900
19/02/2025 7.00 7.00 6.50 6.95 800
18/02/2025 6.95 6.95 6.25 6.90 2,802
17/02/2025 6.85 6.95 6.50 6.90 1,854
14/02/2025 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 100
13/02/2025 - - - - 0
11/02/2025 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.90 900
10/02/2025 6.05 6.90 6.05 6.90 1,750
07/02/2025 - - - - 0
06/02/2025 6.70 6.80 6.30 6.80 14,701
05/02/2025 6.90 6.90 6.70 6.80 160,401
04/02/2025 7.90 7.90 6.90 6.90 5,323
03/02/2025 7.80 7.90 7.80 7.90 1,201

Remark : Volume from SET main board.