Remuneration for Executive Directors and Executives

Remuneration for Executive Directors and Executives

Remuneration policy for Executives of the Company

Remuneration of Group Executive Committee Members and Top Executives (as defined by the SEC)

In 2023, the Company has evaluated the performance of top executives and all employees in term of Key Performance Index (KPI). Each employee must set their KPIs together with action plans and submit to the Group Chief Executive Officer and/or Group Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors which will be in conjunction with compensation, salary adjustment and bonus. The performance evaluation with KPI is performed together with performance evaluation set by the Human Resources Department.

The Board of Directors has established a policy on the remuneration of the Group Chief Executive Officer (Top executive) for short-term by considering KPI and the success of the action plan, together with the performance evaluated by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee before submitting to the Board of Directors for approval. The long-term compensation will be in form of the provident fund based on period of employment. The Board of Directors considers that the remuneration structure for top executives is appropriate for their responsibilities and can motivate executive directors and top executives to lead the organization to meet both short-term and long-term goals, and can compare with the level that is practiced in the same industry.

Monetary remuneration for the Group Executive Committee and Top Executives (‘Executives’ in this instance refers the SEC’s definition including Group Chief Executive Officer or Group CEO, the top four most senior members of the management team ranked below the Group CEO irrespective of their positions, including the position equivalent to the fourth rank and Chief Finance Officer) is in the form of salary, bonus, provident fund and other benefits such as company cars, car allowances in lieu of company cars and mobile phones usage fee

Total Remuneration of Group Executive Committee and executives of the Company

In 2023, the total monetary remuneration for Group Executive Committee members and top executives in total 7 persons amounted to 148,638,943 Baht.