Ethics on Intellectual Property and Copyright

Ethics on Intellectual Property and Copyright

The Board of Directors has a policy to respect intellectual property rights of other persons by not violating or supporting any acts which can be regarded as violation of intellectual property rights and copyrights of other persons, thus reflecting the Company’s strong intention to conduct business with fairness and respect for and compliance with the laws relating to intellectual property rights. Policy and Guidelines are as follows:

  1. Supporting development and respect creation or innovation of intellectual property rights and copyrights and evaluate the value of such innovation fairly.
  2. Protecting and respecting intellectual property rights and copyrights of the Company and other persons by not violating or supporting any acts which are in violation thereof, such as making duplicates, adapting original material in any way, copying, broadcasting music and pictures, or making distribution to the public or any other acts and not claiming other persons’ works as one’s own.
  3. Supporting and participating in activities which are beneficial to protection and prevention of violation of intellectual property rights and copyrights.
  4. Supporting provision of knowledge and training to employees to instill conscience of respect and creation of intellectual property rights and copyrights in employees at all levels, as well as encourage employees to participate in activities held by the Company.
  5. Issuing the Company’s work regulations by prohibiting employees from behaving in the manner which may tarnish the reputation of the Company by following regulations, notifications and orders of government agencies, or laws relating to intellectual property rights and copyrights such as trademark law, patent law, license law or other relevant laws, as well as announcements, orders, rules and regulations set by the Company.
  6. Treating and regarding violation of intellectual property rights and copyrights as a severe offence and if such offence is found, the Company will take penal action against the employee who has been found guilty of such violation according to the Company’s work regulations and laws.